Indiana Covered Bridges album

New York City Album Slideshow

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Currently Reading "A Cry in the Night" by Mary Higgins Clark

Jenny MacPartland, a divorced single mother, falls in love with artist Erich Kreuger while working for a New York gallery. They marry within a month and set up home on Erich's vast Minnesota ranch. For several months they are happily married, but Jenny begins to feel uneasy around her increasingly unstable husband. Within a year, their marriage is ripped apart by scandal and Jenny plans to return to New York City until she realizes that she is pregnant and completely dependent financially on Eric. Unsure of what to do, Jenny lives in fear and hides her growing baby from her husband as long as she physically can. As Jenny's pregnancy progresses, she discovers Eric's obsession with his dead mother, Caroline—the exact image of Jenny. As the facts begin to add up, Jenny realizes that she is married to and carrying the child of a psychopath and possibly a killer...