Indiana Covered Bridges album

New York City Album Slideshow

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Teacher’s 10 Commandments

1) I will treat every student the way I would want my own child to be treated.

* Reflect: Do you praise and punish every child in your class as if he or she was your own?
* Action: Pretend that everything you do or don’t do for a student will be done or not done for your child.

2) I will focus on “who” I teach, not just “what” I teach.

* Reflect: Do you care more about your students succeeding in school or succeeding in life?
* Action: Impress your students by how much you care, not by how much you know.

3) I will only teach that which I truly believe in.

* Reflect: Have you bought into what you’re selling your students?
* Action: Show your students personal evidence of your message in action.

4) I will treat every student as if he/she is already the person he/she is capable of becoming.

* Reflect: Do you believe more in the potential or the problem of every student?
* Action: Label each of your students a “10”, and watch them live up to their greatness.

5) I will raise my standards of teaching by never lowering my expectations of students.

* Reflect: Are you teaching to please or prepare your students?
* Action: Expect more from your students until they reflect what you expect.

6) I will always give my students a little more than what they need to succeed.

* Reflect: Are you giving your students ALL you’ve got…and then some?
* Action: Be courageous and go the extra mile for your students.

7) I will teach as if every day was my last.

* Reflect: How would you teach today if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?
* Action: PLAN your lessons as if you’re going to teach forever, but TEACH your lessons as if you’re going to die tomorrow (with passion and conviction).

8) I will practice what I teach.

* Reflect: Are you teaching by example or excuses?
* Action: Model the kind of character you would like to see in your students.

9) I will be the kind of teacher my favorite teacher would be proud of.

* Reflect: Would the greatest teacher in your past be proud of the teacher you are today?
* Action: Remind yourself daily of the debt you owe those who’ve gone before you.

10) I will strive to be an unforgettable teacher.

* Reflect: Are you leaving footprints on the hearts of your students.
* Action: Do something positive this year that will leave a lifetime impression on your students.