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Friday, September 4, 2009

6 months already...

Just the same way I thought about it on every 4th of the past few months, today marks the anniversary of my dad's passing. There is just something not right about today's 6 months anniversary though. I mean, half a year already... Will I ever stop missing him like I do now? Will I ever not feel that ever so little pang of pain in my chest when thinking about him? Gosh I sure hope so... I have come a long way in working on that pain since March 4th, but it sure ain't easy... I know things will never be the same; and I still have to make total peace with that. But as my father's daughter, he lives forever in me, and I owe him (and myself) to show less sorrow and instead to celebrate the life of the man my father was! Just the way he would have wanted it, I'm sure... This being said...:
Dad, I miss you more than you and I would EVER have thought. And I love you, always have, and always will.

P.S. Please note that I made it through typing the entire post without the hint of a tear coming up. Just a knot in my throat. That's a victory, for today anyway. I will be OK...


spirit said...

Dear Sandy,
I show your post in your blog as I was fooling around in the web. I felt very touched by your words. My father passed away on the 5th August in 2005 and I miss him a lot. It's like not even a day has passed but there are four years since then. I think i will never manage to deal with this fact in my without my father.I have the delusion that one day he will enter the front door of my house as he used to do. I'm sure that our beloved never leave us and I can understand very well the feeling that you describe..."he lives forever in me", I feel the same.
Your father always will be with you because you are one of his part (soul and body).

I send you my kindest regards