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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Quotes from "Always Looking Up" - "Work" Chapter

“Then came success, and with it a new confidence in my craftsmanship and the courage to try new things; some with positive results, some not so positive, but never with regret.” (page 16)

“An actor’s palette is the entirety of the human experience.” (Page 16)

“I had sailed into waters too narrow and too shallow to turn the boat around. It’s not that I was totally unaware of what was happening; I was caught up in the emotion like everyone else. And I felt guilty too, knowing that by choosing to change my life’s direction, I had thrown so many others off course; hopefully not irreversibly, but probably unexpectedly.” (Page 20)

“The celebration added to my gathering impression of how the French view of sports differs from our own. Obviously they are not immune to the taint of commercial excess, rampant cheating, and egos inflated in proportion to salaries, but as much as they celebrate any particular athlete, their deepest reverence is for sport itself. Regardless of the fact that Lance [Armstrong] and his team had won before and would win many more times in the years ahead, the elegance of the evening made clear that a victory in the Tour de France was a moment to be savored.” (pages 41-42)

(Lance Armstrong talking about his foundation:) “You know, it’s not like we have good news every day in this fight. But we’re in it, we’re motivated, and ultimately we think we can make a difference.” (page 46)

“I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world.” -Muhammad Ali (page 60)