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Friday, September 25, 2009

"With a little help from my friends:" a teacher's moment.

Now that I have the first 3 weeks of this preschool year under my belt, it is time to write about it. As I was sitting here thinking about not only the past 3 weeks but also the past few years, I realized one thing: I love what I do for a living. OK, that's not new news! I know... What I mean is: I love what I have now, I love how far I've come... I want to let everybody know how pleased I am with the way things are going. You'd better believe that I am going to take most of the credit for the way things are now. BUT, the forever selfless me is kicking and screaming, and I also want to take this opportunity to thank anyone and everyone who, each in their own way, have helped me, supported me, advised me, encouraged me, listened to me gripe and moan and bitch, and yes, cry too, and so on. With that, you all have made me a better preschool teacher. I do believe in that little phrase "with a little help from my friends." Hadn't it been for some of you, I certainly would not have achieved what I have now. And I hope by now you all know who you are and hopefully know how much I appreciate your help, support, encouragement, constructive criticism, listening ears, and so on.

I believe there's always room for improvement. Always. I am my worst critic, I've always said that. But as I am starting to plan for the next few weeks, I am taking the time to just sit here and think about and ENJOY this teacher's moment which, for now anyway, is pretty darn close to perfection, at least as far as I am concerned. And then I'll think about more improvement. But this is MY, I mean, OUR moment, and at least this very minute, nobody is taking it away.