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Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Teacher's Moment

"Many kids have no opportunity to reflect on anything but the here and now, and we should help them take time every day to think about something larger than themselves." ~Montel Williams

As a teacher I like to think that I broaden children's views and open their mind to what's out there. Luckily enough, I get to deal with the tender preschool age kind, so it's apparently quite easy to keep it, well, easy and simple. I realize however how impressionable they are at that age and believe me when I say that it is a challenge every day to know the limits of what I, the teacher, not their parent, can bring up. I often question how well I have accomplished that daily goal. When I saw that line in Montel Willaim's book, I could totally relate, and believe we all should make the content of that line our daily mission. I know I do. Or at the very least I try my hardest.